Using data to improve customer experiences

This course delves into using data-led insights to elevate customer experience, focusing on generation, application, and case studies for businesses of all sizes.

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Customer experience is not just a new buzz word doing the rounds in corporate circles now a days, or simply a new marketing gimmick that is likely to fizzle out once the initial hype around it settles down. Business organisations whether big or small; online or brick and mortar; domestic or global – are all understanding the value of customer experience and how important it is in enabling them to survive and thrive.

This is where insights play a major role as they help a business understand their customers better and help predict customers’ actions; which then can be applied to take appropriate action to move customer behaviour in their favour. Therefore, this course explores what data led insights are and how they can help businesses to understand and analyse customer experience. It will also discuss how businesses can generate useful insights and the practical application of insights.

Key Topics

Introduction to data led insights

How to generate data led insights in small companies

Application of insights to enhance the customer experience

Case studies of using data led insights to improve customer experiences

Learning Outcomes

Understand the foundational concepts of data-led insights and their significance in customer experience.

Learn methods for generating data-led insights in small business settings.

Master the practical application of insights to improve customer experiences.

Explore various case studies illustrating the effective use of data-led insights in enhancing customer experiences.

Gain knowledge on predicting customer behaviors and leveraging insights to influence these behaviors favorably.

This course includes:


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